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Access to every email list you’ll ever need.

Take advantage of the ease and effectiveness of email marketing with targeted email lists. As a trusted email provider, we’re here to help you get your message delivered to the right in-boxes.

Buy a List of Business

Search by type of business, size, location, title, and more to create the perfect business email list.

Send Email Campaigns to Businesses or Consumers

After creating a targeted email list of businesses or consumers, use our email templates to design, send, and track an email campaign that gets results.

Add Email Addresses to Your Current Customer Files

Our Email Database Append solution will add email addresses to your list to help reach your customers more effectively.

Our method of data verification

In order to provide your business with the most extensive and accurate list of email addresses available, we adhere to the same quality standards as we do when compiling our mailing lists.

We leverage a variety of sources for the most up-to-date email lists, including telephone interviews, phone directories, and trusted third-party sources.

Email addresses are processed to verify deliverability, and IP addresses are checked for legitimacy. We follow all CAN-SPAM laws and suppress opt-outs in compliance with the CAN-SPAM guidelines established for business data.

Suggested Users

Our email lists are a great fit for any company looking to include email marketing within its strategies. Some of our most popular email lists and campaigns are used by businesses in the following industries:

  •  Insurance
  •  Real Estate
  •  Educational Services
  •  Financial Services
  •  Retail
  •  Food/Wine/Dining
  •  Travel
  •  100's More

Our Data

Check out a snapshot of our email lists:

  •  54 million consumer email addresses
  •  37 million business email addresses, including:
    •  4.4 million education services email addresses
    •  6.8 million health service email addresses
    •  12 million engineering & accounting / management services emails
    •  13 million membership organizations email addresses

Ready to get started? Build your business or consumer mailing list.