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We understand that accurate, quality data is a key component of your business’s growth. That’s why we invest over $10 million every year and dedicate over 100 full-time researchers to ensure our business and consumer records are continuously updated.

How we compile our business, consumer, and specialty data.

In order to provide your business with the most extensive and accurate list of email addresses available, we adhere to the same quality standards as we do when compiling our mailing lists.

We leverage a variety of sources for the most up-to-date email lists, including telephone interviews, phone directories, and trusted third-party sources.

Email addresses are processed to verify deliverability, and IP addresses are checked for legitimacy. We follow all CAN-SPAM laws and suppress opt-outs in compliance with the CAN-SPAM guidelines established for business data.

How we compile our business, consumer, and specialty data.


We gather our information from a multitude of directory and event-driven sources, including:

  • U.S. and Canadian Yellow Page directories
  • New business filings
  • Daily utility connections
  • Press releases
  • Corporate websites
  • Annual reports
  • User-generated feedback

Then, we do, Once this information is accumulated, our market research team validates the information using a proprietary software and tele-calling team to make sure the information is up-to-date.


Beyond our core business and consumer databases, we build additional specialty lists and databases, allowing you to quickly and easily build the perfect mailing list for your business needs.

We sure that you would always looking to increase your clientele and I can definitely help you in achieving so.